Monday, June 14, 2010

Colors of Mount Pleasant

I live in a neighborhood i often disregard. Despite having the opportunity to photograph where I live almost any given second I tend to wait until there is an obligation, such as this opportunity- an assignment for school. This is a six photo essay containing shots that barely justify the beauty of East Vancouver neighborhoods. Thank you for your time. Enjoy. In the midst of Polish Sweet stores and Karaoke shops an elderly man enjoys his still down Fraser Street. The large amount of color in this photo is given by the blossoming cherry tree.

My friend Nathan enjoys the small aspect in life by climbing a new Playground toy. Thanks to progression in East Vancouver new playgrounds are a very common sight. The main focus of the photo lies in the sharp red lines created by the ropes.
Bright yellow homes only seem to exaggerate the effects of sunny days. The sun stained yellow of this Mount Pleasant home is assisted in part by the bright blue door.
Secret green ways are some of the best little niches within East Vancouver, leaving a little bit of therapeutic walking between the busy streets. The copious green almost engulfs the sidewalk in this photo.

1 comment:

J said...

Lovely, Jacob. Took me awhile to learn how to appreciate East Van too. Only just noticed how the street light reflects on the bus wires and how pidgeons are mad lined up. And when that truck honks and they fly around in picturesque chaos.

This is Jenny Esguerra btw. Not sure if you rememeber me. Didn't give you much reason to hahaha
